The end of The Tour de Farce

The boys arrived safely in Chamonix on Friday 10th September after cycling 651 miles through all manner of weather conditions and health conditions.

This blog will continue to update, as the boys have further fundraising activities planned for September and October, including another cycling event (although considerably shorter than this one!).

Thank you for following the blog - and please keep following it in the future.


Wednesday 8 September 2010

End of Day 6

After a tough day, the boys arrived in Lons le Saunier in the afternoon, and after a bit of a game of 'let's swap hotels' they went out for a very French meal of 'le pizza'. Stewart has finally made it onto the StuPiD moment chart, with a particularly stylish fall (details below). We knew he'd succumb eventually...


Paul "A so called easier day today turned out to be very eventful and difficult for me in the saddle with a really strong head wind, a swollen hand and the previous five days catching up on me. However there was really brilliant banter, great humour and a real upbeat atmosphere. I will never forget being stuck with Steve in the back of the van, desperately holding on to our four bikes whilst trying to find a new hotel. His bowel disfunction was a real test of survival..... It was great to go into Lons le Saunier for a nice meal tonight but we are all apprehensive and excited about tomorrow's 2000metre (yes, that's 2000 metres...) climb into Geneva. Onwards and upwards into day seven.

Steve: "We passed very close to a small town called Dole today, which is firmly ingrained in my memory banks. It is the town where, as a child, I first tasted rare steak after the French waiter and chef flatly refused my parents' many requests for a well done steak! Dijon will unfortunately be in my memory banks for being the first place where I tasted rare bluebottle. Having opened my mouth to criticise a seemingly pointless cycle route, the patriotic little blighter went kamikaze straight into my throat to shut the whinging ros boeuf up. That incident aside I had a fantastic day. The wind was against us big time (Paul and I reduced to 8mph on the flat and hysterics at one point) but the sun was out for the most part and the Jura mountains finally came into view. Oh my word - tomorrow is going to be tough!! Following the ride we treated ourselves to a picnic outside our hotel where we met some other English cyclists who are doing the Paris-Geneva route. They donned their Chapeaus to us and then assisted us in complaining about our room which was utterly gross!! Our early night and loads of rest having been successfully avoided we concluded with a transfer with Paul, the bikes and I having a disco in the back of the van due to his strobe lighting being stuck in the on position! Nothing seems to be easy but hey it's all part of the adventure!

Stewart: "Today was another great day. As much as my backside is aching I am truly enjoying every minute of this adventure! Little things like gale force winds, torrential rain, burning sun and now suggestions we could have snow at the peak of the pass we have to get through are just adding to it!! I am writing this whilst lying on my bed in a nice traditional French hotel as the original one I booked had roooms I would not wish on my worst enemy. Despite the slight hassle in decamping, seeing Paul's face getting out of the back of the van after Steve's "loss of self-control" was hysterical! Ooh, did I mention that I have joined the StuPiD ranks? A gust of wind took me and the bike as I went to grab a rail. I think I managed to get away with it though - don't think anyone noticed....!!
George: "Dear legs; please don't let me down tomorrow.... I will pay you back kindly if you get me up the mountain.... Another 'easy' day today - yet again the weather turned it into something horrendous. Side winds which meant you had to cycle towards the fields to make sure that you went in a straight line, and rain that swept in across the fields in waves. We met a bunch of really nice cyclists today - they will probably overtake us on our way up tomorrow! My GCSE French was tested - we didn't cover 'complaining about hotel rooms' in class! Am still really enjoying the experience - we are a great team! Night all.

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